Mooooooove On Milk is a plant-based milk company to try and get as many dairy milk drinkers as possible, to mooooove on to a healthier and more sustainable option. In this project, I created the brand, and packaging designs for different flavours of their milk, and also created a promotional video.

The problem
In 2017, we consumed 900 Million tons of cow's milk. This is a problem. Even with dairy alternatives, a lot of people still seem to be stuck in their ways. We want to change that and offer a fresh approach to the plant milk space.
Brand Direction
I wanted people who see our branding to feel a subtle bond with the cows, and to almost feel as if the cow is saying ‘thank you’ whenever you buy.
I also wanted to showcase the grain that the milk is made from on the packaging cartons. Showing the ingredients is a common and effective practice in food packaging design. This will not only make the packaging more enticing, but also subtly imply that we have nothing to hide.

This was a great start! The font felt like a perfect choice. It feels playful while still also reading well. The cow-shaped oat pile was a great idea, but it felt extremely rigid. So I decided to do it the hard way.

Much better! I went to my local organic food seller and bought all the grains I needed, and fit them all into a cow-shaped stencil I made on the laser-cutter. I then had to manually cut out the background which took a loooong time, but so worth it!

To conclude
This was right up my ally, supporting my beliefs and matching my style, while also getting to push multiple skills. Couldn't have enjoyed it more!
What I learned/improved on
My packaging design skills
My video editing skills
I hired a freelancer for the first time